Events & Workshops


Art & Herb

Welcome to the world of Chinese traditional herbs. To make more people learn about the beauty of Chinese traditional herbs, we choose art as a manner to spear the culture. As we can see, we call on designers to combine different herbs with their country’s flag. In this way, people will have a deeper understanding towards herbs.


Considering the grouping prohibition under pandemic and development of new technologies in the information age, we design blended learning Chinese herbal medicine workshops that will be given through an integrated format of offline interaction and online teaching in primary and middle schools in Hong Kong. 

The types of workshops provided by us can be divided into 3 parts. In the first part, we will provide cultural immersion courses to raise students’ interest in TCM culture. In the second part, we will provide herbal-medicine hand-made courses to motivate students to learn the function of different kinds of herbal medicine. In the third part, we will provide general scientific courses to help students construct their knowledge system about herbal medicine. The teaching content of all parts will be subdivided into different levels considering students’ age and previous knowledge about herbal medicine.