Physical Products

Paperback Book

Physical books are a significant part of our ecosystem and one of our important offline products. At present, in the physical book section, our partner organization has two books that have been published in the Mainland. These two books will be promoted and sold separately for adults and students. Our company will assist them to be published in Hong Kong next year and appear in the Hong Kong Book Fair. The publication and sale of books is more conducive to our company’s promotion of herbal knowledge and cultural education in Hong Kong.

Into the World of herbal natural science: A herbal song for Children

This is a popular science book written for children. With the melodious singing of Herba Songs, it will lead the children into the magical world of Herbal world.

What’s in this book?

This book mainly focuses on the interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine culture around the specific content of our Herbal Songs. The book is divided into four chapters, which respectively introduce the traditional Chinese medicine in Herbal Songs, the basic theory of Materia Medica, famous herbalists and the future of Materia Medica.The book is rich in pictures and text,and the content is easy to read, which is suitable for teenagers.

Herbal Soup and Tea: Herbal Culture is Soup & Tea

People can learn about Lingnan’s soup and tea culture through this book, and at the same time have a better understanding of the herbs and some related knowledge.

What’s in this book?

This book is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is about soup. It will introduce some herbal soup and cooking methods, according to the four seasons and different groups of people. The second part is tea, which mainly introduces five-flower tea and Guiling jelly. At the end of the book, it will also introduce the culture of Chinese herbal medicine in Lingnan. The above content will help people have a deeper understanding of Lingnan herbal soup and tea culture.

Cultural & Creative Products

Our ecosystem also includes cultural and creative products. It is also one of our offline products. 

At present, our partner NGO has designed some folders and canvas bags which contain some Chinese herb elements. We will be responsible for these products’ sales and promotion in Hong Kong. On the one hand, these cultural products can be combined with aesthetic education to promote our company and the culture of Chinese medicine. On the other hand, we believe these products will be popular.


Products for Health

Health products also are a vital part of our ecosystem and one of our important offline products. 

At present, our partner organization has produced a Chinese herbal eye patch with a health company. Our company will also take health products as a development direction, and reach more cooperation with different excellent organizations and companies to produce more diversified health products in Hong Kong.
