E-learning Resources


We use the form of short videos to tell the knowledge and culture background of herbs, which can play a role of both publicity and education.The video has a deep impact on the younger generation based on the data that millennials make up 92% of the digital video viewing audience, which is more conducive to popularizing herb knowledge and culture to them.Moreover, the online, asynchronous nature of videos allows them to be shared all across the world and at all hours of the day or night.

Chinese characters and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) English ver.
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Chinese characters and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
[VPN required to watch the video]

This video combines the culture of Traditional Chinese medicine with Chinese characters, with vivid animation.The entire video is developed in the form of a father-son dialogue, and knowledge of Chinese medicine and Chinese characters is embedded in their dialogue.Our team members participated in the video production and translated it into Cantonese and English for better publicity.


E-books are a significant part of our ecosystem and an essential part of our e-learning platform, with the advantages of portability, low price, saving paper and space, easy access to resources, and convenient information retrieval. These advantages are more conducive to the promotion of herbal knowledge and culture in HK.
Our team tried to cooperate with various excellent organizations related to the field of herbal education, such as BEN CAO NATURAL SCIENCE, to build this e-book platform together.At present, our partner organization has two published books which will be promoted and sold separately for adults and students in HK. Our company will assist them to publish these books in Hong Kong next year and you can see them at the Hong Kong Book Fair.

Into the World of herbal natural science: A herbal song for Children

This is a popular science book written for children. With the melodious singing of Herba Songs, it will lead the children into the magical world of Herbal world.

What’s in this book?

This book mainly focuses on the interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine culture around the specific content of our Herbal Songs. The book is divided into four chapters, which respectively introduce the traditional Chinese medicine in Herbal Songs, the basic theory of Materia Medica, famous herbalists and the future of Materia Medica.The book is rich in pictures and text,and the content is easy to read, which is suitable for teenagers.

Herbal Soup And Tea

People can learn about Lingnan’s soup and tea culture through this book, and at the same time have a better understanding of the herbs and some related knowledge.

What’s in this book?

This book is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is about soup. It will introduce some herbal medicine and cooking methods, according to the four seasons and different groups of people. The second part is tea, which mainly introduces five-flower tea and Guiling jelly. At the end of the book, it will also introduce the culture of Chinese medicine in Lingnan. The above content will help people have a deeper understanding of Lingnan herbal soup and tea culture.


Internet+ in the App

AI Recognition

Our education App will contain an AI module to do image recognition on Chinese medicine herbs. After scanning the herb, user can learn more about it and even play games with it.

Cloud Computing, Storage…

Cloud is a powerful platform, not only used for AI computing, but also for storage. For our App, user data, herb knowledge data will be stored in cloud, which is easy to expand and migrate

5G Network

The ultra fast speed will make it possible to stream 4K video and the low latency will bring cloud gaming into reality. For our App, we have education videos and games, where can reveal the full potential of 5G technology.

More about the App

In recent years, many researchers have explored the application of gamification theory in the education area. Brain Burton points out that “Gamification makes learning more enjoyable by creating challenges and appealing to different needs”.

From this diagram on the techniques used in learning design approaches and their relationship to retention of learning, gamification can provide an effective approach to enhancing learning by evoking friendly competition, providing the learners with a sense of achievement and so on.

Our education App will contain an AI module to do image recognition on Chinese medicine herbs to make interaction with users. After scanning the herb, users can learn more about it and play games to learn the related knowledge in a deeper way.

This game is still being designed. The preliminary idea includes points mechanism, reward mechanism, competition mechanism and other mechanisms based on the principle of gamification to encourage users to explore herbal knowledge.

For the game modes, we will refer to the design of classic games such as Plants vs. Zombies, Pokémon, Draw Something, etc., so that users can understand the utility of herbs, the environment where the herb grows, the basic appearance characteristics of herbs and so on.The specific idea is shown in the figure.